Monday, November 18, 2024

Guide for Students: A Guide to Finding Purpose and Passion

We always believe that one should have an aim in his life. DPS, Dohlron, being one among the top-rated CBSE affiliated school in Mahilpur, we get such budding minds to identify their aspiration in their life at a very young age. Ikigai in Japan is a “reason for being” that serves the guiding framework of students as they search and aim to find their purpose and direction; in it, one considers what they love, what they are good at, what the world needs, and what can sustain them. So, how do students start their journey toward discovering their Ikigai?

  1. Identify What You Love

Request students to surf around various types of activities, hobbies, and academic subjects to see what really excites them.

The awareness of these interests makes the students realize what they enjoy; therefore, learning becomes exciting and motivating.

  1. Discover What You Are Good At

Every child is unique with special strengths. Inspire the child to look inwards and also solicit suggestions from teachers, friends, and relatives as to where to find such talents.

When such talents are known, a child becomes bold enough to set up achievable goals that well match his or her strengths.

  1. Know What the World Needs

Propose to the students what they could be doing to contribute or help communities and the larger world around them so empathy and a sense of responsibility can be brought about.

Be it ecological issues or community services, an identification of some societal need helps connect the interest of students with meaningful causes.

  1. Creating ways to maintain your interest

Discuss career pathways that play to their interests and strengths for the older students. Understanding choices of career that may be fit for passions is as good as it can be for empowering and further enriching informed choices.

This exercise helps instill the idea that meaning and utility are not mutually exclusive and sets them up to succeed not only at home but in professional life as well.

  1. Encourage Curiosity and Learning

Ikigai does not exist as a location but rather as a path, and challenges the learners to be open enough to experiences in such a way that, over time, they shall learn to perfect their sense of purpose.

Learning new things develops resilience and adaptability both of which qualities the body in its entirety needs to be fulfilled.


We, at DPS Dhohlron, look forward to being among the top five schools in Mahilpur. We empower wards with the tools for the discovery of their Ikigai. In this way, holistic academics along with self-discovery will help nourish potential and guide the wards toward finding a purposeful life. And through these results, we believe our children grow up to be confident, curious, inquisitive minds, ready to make a difference in this world.

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